About Coffee

În 2025, iubitorii de cafea se confruntă cu o creștere semnificativă a prețului băuturii lor preferate. Această tendință este rezultatul unei combinații a mai multor factori cheie care influențează întreaga piață a cafelei de la cultivare până la ceașca de pe masa noastră.

AeroPress is a relatively new coffee maker. It is light, compact and almost unbreakable, making it ideal for travel. 

Cafeaua fină nu se referă doar la gustul în ceașcă – este o poveste care începe în fermele departe de casele noastre. La La Bohème Café, credem că în spatele fiecărei boabe se află oameni care pun pasiune și expertiză în munca lor. Unul dintre ei este Mauricio Salaverria, un fermier din El Salvador, cu care avem o prietenie de lungă durată și o strânsă cooperare.

Half-Caff este un amestec echilibrat care conține 50% cafea decofeinizată și 50% cafea clasică cu cofeină. În laboratorul nostru de cafea, am lucrat mult timp pentru a ne asigura că vă puteți bucura de cafea cu mai puțină cofeină, dar cu același gust grozav ca și celelalte cafele ale noastre.
Toamna este momentul perfect pentru a te răsfăța cu băuturi calde de cafea, cu arome bogate, care vor spori atmosfera acestui sezon. Vă aducem trei rețete simple de băuturi de cafea de toamnă pe care le puteți pregăti singur.
Summer is the perfect time to enjoy coffee in refreshing, cool variations. Whether you prefer the strong taste of espresso or the subtle flavor of filter coffee, there are many ways to turn your favorite drink into a delicious summer treat. Here are some exciting recipes to keep you cool and energized during the hot days.
Cold Brew is a coffee preparation method in which the coffee is slowly steeped in cold water for several hours. The resulting drink is characterized by low acidity and high sweetness.

Nothing compares to making delicious filtered coffee in the comfort of your own home, which will scent every inch of your kitchen. It's the perfect way to start the day or satisfy a sudden caffeine craving. We are happy to bring you a guide that will teach you how to prepare the perfect cup of filtered coffee. Step by step, easily, with the certainty of a tasty and fragrant result.

Coffee - for many of us, an essential part of everyday life. However, with the development of coffee culture, more and more innovative methods of processing coffee beans appear, which change the way we perceive the taste and aroma of the favorite drink. One of the newest and most recognized methods is anaerobic coffee processing, which is gaining more and more supporters around the world. In this article we will look at what makes this method so popular and how it affects the final product in the cup.
Did you know that the way coffee beans are processed can significantly affect the taste and aroma of coffee? One of the most interesting and characteristic processing methods is the honey method. This technique has become the center of attention among quality coffee lovers and coffee shops thanks to its unique process that preserves the natural sweetness and complex flavor nuances of the coffee. Join us on a journey of discovering the secrets of the honey coffee processing method and learn what makes it so unique and popular among coffee enthusiasts around the world.
We are very happy that after months of fine-tuning to perfection, we can present you La Boheme Cafe Drip Bags - coffee bags, thanks to which you can easily treat yourself to an excellent selection of coffee wherever you want. What exactly are they and how to use them? Read on!

Coffee is the most popular hot drink for most of the people in our area, so it's no wonder that it's a gift that you can thank almost anyone with. Especially if you can make sure she never runs out of home! The endless supply of coffee is also a great surprise for those to whom you cannot give a gift in person.
