Kinto SEPIA cup with saucer 270 ml amber

Cup with saucer from the Japanese company Kinto. The shape and size of the product may vary in individual pieces due to manual production, such as natural differences in the texture and color of the wood.

All Kinto accessories are handcrafted from the finest materials under strict quality standards.

The cup is made of heat-resistant glass, so it can be used in the dishwasher and microwave oven.

The saucer is made of teak wood and covered with urethane varnish. Do not use in the dishwasher or microwave, do not leave in water and keep it dry.


  • volume: 270 ml
  • cup dimensions: φ 75 x h 65 x w 115 mm
  • saucer dimensions: φ 130 x h 17 mm

Toate accesoriile Kinto sunt realizate manual din cele mai bune materiale, conform standardelor stricte de calitate.

Cana este din sticla termorezistenta, deci poate fi folosita in masina de spalat vase si cuptorul cu microunde.

Farfuria este realizata din lemn de tec si acoperita cu lac uretanic. Nu folosiți în mașina de spălat vase sau cuptorul cu microunde, nu lăsați în apă și păstrați uscat.


volum: 270 ml
dimensiuni cupe: φ 75 x 65 x 115 mm
dimensiuni farfurie: φ 130 x 17 mm

SEPIA šálek s podšálkem 270 ml jantarový - La Boheme Cafe - Pražírna výběrové kávy
