Ethiopia Bombe Anaerobic

Ato Dukale is a farmer who also manages several washing and drying stations in the Sidama region. This lot comes from the station in the village of the same name, which is located at an altitude of 1950 m in a beautiful environment with ideal conditions for cultivation.

Coffee cultivation in this region has a long tradition and is incorporated into a polyculture system that allows farmers to diversify their income and ensure the harvest of food crops. The coffee is collected from various small growers in the surrounding villages and then processed in one washing station.

Although Ato Dukale was born into a family of coffee farmers, he started trading sugar cane at an early age. Only later did he start collecting coffee from nearby producers and processing it. Today, it owns approximately 16 washing stations, where it processes coffee using both the classic washed and dry method, as well as dry anaerobic fermentation, which has produced unique results.

A cup full of exotic fruit awaits you with tropical acidity, pineapple flavor and notes of raspberries and blueberries.

Flavor profile

raspberries / blueberries / pineapple


Earth Ethiopia
Region Sidama
Place Bombe washing station
Farmer Ato Dukal
Variety Heirloom
Soil type Clays and volcanic rocks
Altitude 2000 m above sea level
Processing Dry anaerobic fermentation
Harvest 2021

Farmer Ato Dukale

Ato Dukale is a farmer who also manages several washing and drying stations in the Sidama region. This lot comes from the station in the village of the same name, which is located at an altitude of 1950 m in a beautiful environment with ideal conditions for cultivation.

Although Ato Dukale was born into a family of coffee farmers, he started trading sugar cane at an early age. Only later did he start collecting coffee from nearby producers and processing it. Today, it owns approximately 16 washing stations, where it processes coffee using both the classic washed and dry method, as well as dry anaerobic fermentation, which has produced unique results.


A cup full of exotic fruit awaits you with tropical acidity, pineapple flavor and notes of raspberries and blueberries.

Sidama region

Coffee cultivation in the Sidama region has a long tradition and is incorporated into a polyculture system that allows farmers to diversify their income and ensure the harvest of food crops. The coffee is collected from various small growers in the surrounding villages and then processed in one washing station.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Roman C.

Výborná káva jak pro filtr, tak případně i cappuccino.

Lucie K.

Výborná káva. Rozhodně jsem nekoupila naposled.

Martin F.

Skvělá chuť a nasládlá vůně

Kateřina Š.

Má nejoblíbenější káva z aktuální nabídky. Při mé domácí přípravě (wacaco picopresso) získám nevšední, ale velmi lahodné ovocné chutě a jemnou sladkost. Výjimečná.
